Resumes Management and Job Application Website with PHP, Bootstrap and MySQL
This very simple application can be use for small businesses or by students on their projects. On this system candidates can send their information to apply for a specific job position. The Admin is able to see all the candidates information on the Resumes Management Application and download the resumes provided, also the admin is able to update the position information without reloading the page which is displayed on the Job Application Website specifically on the job description session.
The candidates and the admin user can access this system from any place by using any device, because this is web based and its design is responsive.
Job Application Website
Job Description Session
On this session candidates are able to see and analyze the job position available. Which provides the job tittle, description and requirements.
Apply Session
Here the candidates can provides their information and upload their resume. All the fields (first name, last name, email, phone, address and resume) are required and validated before send it to the database. Only PDF and Doc files format are allowed to be uploaded on the resume file field.
Resumes Management Application
Sign In
Admin is able to sign in on the Resumes Management Application using a username and a password (admin, password) to initiate session. Fields are validated and the application displays a error message when the user provides incorrect username or password.
Username: admin
Password: pasword
Resumes Management
When the admin is logged in the Resumes Managements Application, they are able to see the Data table which contains all the candidates information: ID, first name, last name, email, phone, address, sent date and an actions section where the admin can click the dowload button and download the files that the candidates have provided which only can be on PDF and Doc files format.
Position Information
On this session admin is able to edit Position Information providing a position name, description and requirements of the position available. Once the admin click on save button the application validate the fields in order to make sure that all the information are provided.
On this session admin is able to edit Position Information providing a position name, description and requirements of the position available. Once the admin click on save button the application validate the fields in order to make sure that all the information are provided.
Log out
When the admin wants to logout from the application they just have to click on the logout button located on the navbar and immediately the application redirect them to the sign in page. Once the admin is logged out they have to initiate session to be able to use the system otherwise they will be redirect to the sign in page.
When the admin wants to logout from the application they just have to click on the logout button located on the navbar and immediately the application redirect them to the sign in page. Once the admin is logged out they have to initiate session to be able to use the system otherwise they will be redirect to the sign in page.
- Candidates can send their information.
- Candidates can upload their resumes on PDF or DOC file format.
- Fields validation.
- Confirm notification when the information has been sent.
- Admin is able to see all the candidates information.
- Admin is able to download the resumes.
- Admin is able to update the job position information.
- Secured Encrypted Password Login
- Responsive design
- Easy to install.
- Fully customizable
- Works in all major browser
CREATE TABLE tbl_admin(
admin_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
admin_password VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(admin_id)
CREATE TABLE tbl_candidate(
file_id INT(11) NOT NULL,
candidate_firstname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
candidate_lastname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
candidate_email VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
candidate_phone VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
candidate_address VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
candidate_resume VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
created_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(candidate_id)
CREATE TABLE tbl_position(
position_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
position_description VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL,
position_requirement VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL,
created_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(position_id)
CREATE TABLE tbl_file(
file_name VARCHAR(100),
file_storage_path VARCHAR(100),
PRIMARY KEY(file_id)
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